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Il viaggio a Reims (Путешествие в Реймс), Rossini
Opernhaus Zürich (2025)
28 февраля - 02 марта 2025 (2 выступлений)
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Путешествие в Реймс by Rossini, птн 28 февр. 2025, С (2025/2025), Режиссер Annette Weber,, Дирижёр Dominic Limburg, Stadthaus Winterthur, Винтертур, Швейцария

Просмотр списка исполнителей и постановочной труппы 28 февр. 2025


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The occasion for which Gioachino Rossini composed Il viaggio a Reims was «royal» in the truest sense of the word: Charles X was anointed king in 1825. The coronation in Reims was followed by lavish celebrations in Paris, during which all of the city's theaters were to present a suitably themed commissioned work. In their opera, Rossini and his librettist Luigi Balocchi paid homage to Charles X, who was present at the premiere, in their very own way: 14 notables from various European countries gather at the luxurious «Zur Goldenen Lilie» spa. But they are unable to reach the coronation in Reims, their actual destination, because all the horses in the city have been rented out. So the European delegates are stuck – and spend the time first and foremost preoccupied with themselves. Frenchwoman Madame de Folleville, for example, is inconsolable when she is informed that her suitcases containing the latest fashions from Paris have gone missing... Mini-dramas, love and jealousy scenes play out, but all without consequences. At the end, the national anthems of all the hotel guests are sung – including a Tyrolean yodel song – and together they pay tribute to the king with a hymn from afar. Rossini’s delightfully absurd opera brings together dreamlike ensembles whose strange state of limbo allows them to defy time, as well as senseless, turbocharged banter that won’t just delight die-hard Rossini fans. The vocal parts are among the most technically difficult Bel Canto roles of all – and present a wonderful challenge for the young talents of our International Opernstudio. The young Swiss conductor Dominic Limburg provides the orchestral spark for this concert performance.
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