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Earl Lee conducts Franck, Tomasi, and Tchaikovsky with Steven Banks, saxophone
Earl Lee conducts Franck, Tomasi, and Tchaikovsky with Steven Banks, saxophoneの写真をすべて表示
Earl Lee conducts Franck, Tomasi, and Tchaikovsky with Steven Banks, saxophone
Boston Symphony Orchestra (2023)
24 - 25 11月 2023 (2の公演)
芸術団体からの情報 (Operabase による検証)

Earl Lee conducts Franck, Tomasi, and Tchaikovsky with Steven Banks, saxophone by Franck, Tomasi, H., Tchaikovsky, P. I., から (2023/2023), 導体 Earl Lee, Boston Symphony Hall, Boston, United States

仕事を選択Le chasseur maudit, Franck
