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Konsertteater Med Det Norske Kammerorkester: DSCH
Den Norske Opera & Ballet (2023)
03 - 08 juni 2023 (5 voorstellingen)
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1h 30mins
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Konsertteater Med Det Norske Kammerorkester: DSCH by Various, do. 08 jun 2023, Van (2023/2023), Geregisseerd door Mikkel Harder Munck-Hansen, Dirigent Pekka Kuusisto, Den Norske Opera, Oslo, Noorwegen

Cast en crew bekijken voor 08 jun 2023






Konsertteater Med Det Norske Kammerorkester: DSCH
Oratorium / OrkestraalConcert
Shostakovich's musical signature D mitri SCH ostakowitsch is the German version of the composer's name, and these letters were translated into tones in several of Shostakovich's works. BUY The visual concert Imagine a musical experience that constantly finds new forms in the face of theatre, light and visual means. Out of this, a new form arises across our traditional perceptions of what a concert experience can be - a concert theatre. The Norwegian Chamber Orchestra challenges the concert form itself in what borders on the idiom and dramaturgy of the theatre, told here through glimpses into the life and music of one of the greatest composers of the last century, Dmitri Shostakovich. There is no action - the communication is created through the unique nature and emotional character of the music in various tableaus, but through the visuals the musical can arise in completely new ways. A thread is spun through Shostakovich's many different musical expressions into a musical storytelling - as emotionally exciting, searching and dramatic as his life - and opens up a wide spectrum of emotional nuances. DSCH – Musical signature Shostakovich's life can be described as a destiny in which artistic integrity and the regime were at times opposed to each other. He was a master of adapting and yet insisting on his free expression, and this made him controversial both at home and abroad. There is always an ambiguity in his music where you never know the boundaries between irony and seriousness, humor and sadness. In that way he could express what was on his heart to those who could perceive it. Whether Shostakovich deals with the dark or the light, his music hits us in the heart with uncompromising power. Throughout his career, Shostakovich used a musical signature in his pieces, DSCH. He found the motif in the German transcription of his own name - Dmitri SCHostakowitsch - which he then translated into notes: D, Es, C and H. String Quartet No. 8 is entirely based on these notes, which must be interpreted autobiographically. Written after a trip to Dresden, where Shostakovich was met by the total annihilation of war, the music says a lot about his inner struggle at this time. The quartet is much loved by the public, not least through Rudolf Barshai's arrangement for strings, called Kammersymfoni. The chamber orchestra with Pekka Kuusisto in the lead For many years, the chamber orchestra has had the ambition to challenge the classical concert form. They have played without notes, with lighting, choreography and various scenographies. This time they put all this together into a new whole - under the direction of their artistic director, Pekka Kuusisto.
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