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Macedonian / Balkan premier of the orchestral version of the project MAKEDONISSIMO of Simon Trpceski and friends
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Macedonian / Balkan premier of the orchestral version of the project MAKEDONISSIMO of Simon Trpceski and friends

Macedonian / Balkan premier of the orchestral version of the project MAKEDONISSIMO of Simon Trpceski and friends by Shahov, lun. 01 abr 2024, De (2024/2024), Director Ana Spasovska, Macedonian Philharmonic (Филхармонија на Македонија), Skopje, Macedonia

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Macedonian / Balkan premier of the orchestral version of the project MAKEDONISSIMO of Simon Trpceski and friends
Macedonian / Balkan premier of the orchestral version of the project MAKEDONISSIMO of Simon Trpceski and friends 01.04.2024 and 31.03.2024, 20:00 Macedonian Philharmonic After the extremely successful world premiere of the "Macedonissimo" project last year in the most prestigious concert hall in the world, the "Musikferaine" in Vienna, together with the "Tonkunstler" orchestra from Austria under the baton of their chief conductor Maestro Jutaka Sado, the Macedonian Chamber Orchestra " Aiga" in cooperation with "KulturOp" will perform the orchestral version of the project for the first time in Macedonia, and in the Balkans in general. The orchestral version of "Makedonissimo" is based on transcriptions of Macedonian traditional music by the composer Pande Shahov, in collaboration with the top pianist Simon Trpceski. This time, the finesse of the filigree designed and performed project, in the orchestral concert performance, offer an even more sublime display of the wealth of the Macedonian musical tradition. World orchestral premiere of "Macedonissimo" at the Vienna "Musikferein" last year / Photo: KulturOp On the stage of the Macedonian Philharmonic, the "Macedonissimo" Quintet, composed of: Simon Trpceski on piano, Hidan Mamudov on clarinet, saxophone and kaval, Aleksandar Krapovski on violin, Aleksandar Somov on cello and Vlatko Nushev on percussion, will take care of that. together with the "Ajga" Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Ana Spasovska. Special guests of the evening will be Vladimir Krstev on violin, Aleksandar Dimitrov and Pascal Krapovski on cello. Two concerts are being held due to the overwhelming interest in the originally announced concert on April 1, and the second concert is scheduled a day earlier considering the program schedule of the participants and the availability of the Macedonian Philharmonic's big stage.
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