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Platée (Platea), Rameau
Muziektheater Transparant (2008)
16 - 29 ágúst 2008 (4 frammistöður)
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Platea by Rameau, Frá (2008/2008), Leikstýrt af Ruud Gielens, Hljómsveitarstjóri Jan Van Outryve, deSingel, Antwerp, Belgium




Platée by Jean-Philippe Rameau forms the basis of this year's intensive ten days. A group of young musicians perform an idiosyncratic version of this opera. In ten intensive days, a group of young musicians (15-25 years old) takes on the challenge of creating an idiosyncratic opera. This annual summer project builds on a concept that has proven to be as simple as it is successful in the past. The young singers and instrumentalists are brought together on and around a theater stage with the (impossible) assignment to make an opera together with a group of professional coaches in ten days. The project garnered recognition at home and abroad and resulted in a number of sparkling performances. The selection of Drift for the Theater Festival (2004) was the temporary crown on the work. A number of the first batch of singers are well on their way to firmly taking their place in the casts of various music theaters and opera houses. For others it was an opportunity to indulge their passion for opera and music theater without any professional ambition. This year, Muziektheater Transparant, deSingel arts campus and the Dutch Frysk Festival are joining forces around the refined music of French Baroque composer Jean-Philippe Rameau. About forty young people from Flanders and Friesland will perform their idiosyncratic version of this opera. Director Ruud Gielens and choreographer Jo-An Lauwaert involve the participants in all aspects of the staging. Musically they are being prepared by baroque specialists Jan Van Outryve, Thomas Baeté, Marcin Lasia and Ayala Sicron.
Um upplýsingar er að finna á: English, Nederlands
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