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Rutter's Requiem / Hopeful fair on the theme of life and death
Rutter's Requiem / Hopeful fair on the theme of life and death
Norrköpings symfoniorkester (2024)
31 oktoober 2024 (1 etendused)
Külastage veebisaiti
2h 0mins
Teave kunstiorganisatsioonilt (Operabase'i kinnitatud)

Rutter's Requiem / Hopeful fair on the theme of life and death by Lindberg, C., Allan Pettersson, Rutter, Alates (2024/2024), Dirigent Christian Lindberg, De Geerhallen, Norrköping, Sweden

Valige TööTarantula, Lindberg, C.




Rutter's Requiem / Hopeful fair on the theme of life and death
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