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Tosca (Тоска), Puccini
MusikTheater an der Wien (2022)
16 - 30 января 2022 (7 выступлений)
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Тоска by Puccini, С (2022/2022), Режиссер Martin Kušej,, Дирижёр Marc Albrecht, Ingo Metzmacher, Michael Zlabinger, Theater an der Wien, Вена, Австрия


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Rome, 1800: Cesare Angelotti was able to escape from Castel Sant'Angelo, the notorious state prison, where he had to spend his days as a political prisoner. He sought refuge in the church of Sant'Andrea della Valle, where he met his friend, the painter Mario Cavaradossi. Suddenly his lover, opera singer Floria Tosca appears: She is suspicious because the church door was locked and jealous because Cavaradossi's Madonna painting looks very similar to a real lady. But Cavaradossi can defuse the situation. Tosca leaves. Angelotti and Cavaradossi forge escape plans alone again - a cannon shot signals that Angelotti's escape has been noticed. They both leave the church. While the choir is rehearsing, Police Chief Scarpia bursts in and has the church searched for the fugitive Angelotti. Tosca also comes to church again. Scarpia has been informed of the relationship between her and Cavaradossi and wants to make her jealous. He succeeds. He later lures Tosca to the Palazzo Farnese, and the arrested Cavaradossi is also brought before him. Cavaradossi is said to be tortured until Tosca reveals Angelotti's hiding place, which she does and which angered Cavaradossi. Scarpia orders Cavaradossi to be shot, but if Tosca indulges him, he would release Cavaradossi. She agrees, and Scarpia promises that it will be a mock shooting. Tosca negotiates a letter of safe conduct from Scarpia so that she and Cavaradossi can leave Rome. While he is writing this letter, she stabs him. Then she cleans her hands, Scarpia takes the letter from her dead fingers, straighten her hair and go. In Castel Sant'Angelo she reports to Cavaradossi that the shooting was only being faked and tells him what to do: After the first shot, fall to the ground and lie there. However, it is not a fake commando, Scarpia had given instructions to actually kill Cavaradossi. The police have now found Scarpia's body and are after Tosca. When she realizes that Cavaradossi is really dead, she storms to the top of Castel Sant'Angelo and throws herself from there to her death. The police have now found Scarpia's body and are after Tosca. When she realizes that Cavaradossi is really dead, she storms to the top of Castel Sant'Angelo and throws herself from there to her death. The police have now found Scarpia's body and are after Tosca. When she realizes that Cavaradossi is really dead, she storms to the top of Castel Sant'Angelo and throws herself from there to her death.
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Язык произведения:: итальянскийSubtitles: немецкий