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La Périchole (La Perichole), Jacques Offenbach
D: Laurent Pelly
C: Marc Minkowski
Giulio Cesare in Egitto (Julius Caesar in Egypt), Georg Friedrich Händel
D: Laurent Pelly
C: Rinaldo Alessandrini
Platée (Platea), Jean-Philippe Rameau
D: Laurent Pelly
C: Marc Minkowski
L'elisir d'amore (The Elixir of Love), Gaetano Donizetti
D: Laurent Pelly
C: Giampaolo BisantiLeonardo Sini
Les contes d'Hoffmann (The Tales of Hoffmann), Jacques Offenbach
D: Laurent Pelly
C: Riccardo Frizza
Béatrice et Bénédict (Beatrice and Benedict), Hector Berlioz
D: Laurent Pelly
C: Antonello Manacorda
L'étoile (The Star), Emmanuel Chabrier
D: Laurent Pelly
C: Patrick Fournillier
Giulio Cesare in Egitto (Julius Caesar in Egypt), Georg Friedrich Händel
D: Laurent Pelly
C: Emmanuelle Haïm
Platée (Platea), Jean-Philippe Rameau
D: Laurent Pelly
C: Marc Minkowski
Pelléas et Mélisande (Pelléas and Mélisande), Claude Debussy
D: Laurent Pelly
C: Bertrand de Billy
L'elisir d'amore (The Elixir of Love), Gaetano Donizetti
D: Laurent Pelly
C: Edward Gardner
Lyubov k tryom apelsinam (The Love for Three Oranges), Sergey Sergeyevich Prokofiev
D: Laurent Pelly
C: Stéphane Denève

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