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Wozzeck, Berg
C: Andris Nelsons
BSO ~ WOZZECK @ Carnegie Hall

boy-soprano Linus Schafer Goulthorpe was outstanding as the hapless young son of Wozzeck and Marie

15 марта 2022oberon481.typepad.comOberon
Der Rosenkavalier, Strauss
D: Robert Carsen
C: Andris Nelsons
Der Rosenkavalier

In London, Fleming’s colleagues were less consistently good than Fleming herself. Reiffenstuel’s dresses for Alice Coote’s Octavian and Mariandel were not the most becoming the mezzo-soprano has worn on this stage, where she has thus far specialized in male characters. Coote’s singing was often ungainly, frequently with a discomfiting rawness to the tone. The finest exponent of the three main women’s parts was Sophie Bevan, who sang the ingenue role of her namesake to perfection, with a top register to die for.Steinberg’s family-sized sets looked too big on the Covent Garden stage; the Princess’s bedroom and its mammoth collection of dynastic paintings dwarfed the characters. A troublesome feature of Act II was a collection of enormous field guns and an obsession with rifles: in his desire to underline the militarism of his redesignated period, Carsen decided, without any specifics in Hofmannsthal’s text to back it up, that the army supplies that provide the basis of Faninal’s fortune were, in fact, armaments. Act III swapped the original’s dubious suburban inn for a palatial, populous brothel, where Ochs’s assignation with Mariandel almost got lost in the wider sweep of hedonistic goings-on. Overall, Carsen’s direction lacked the detail and focus that can make Der Rosenkavalier profoundly moving. Supplying some, at least, of the missing magic was the conducting of Andris Nelsons, whose enthusiasm for Strauss has already resulted in persuasive Covent Garden performances of Salome and Elektra. Once again his ability to balance super-enriched textures and provide dramatic momentum in a score that needs to be kept on the move paid rich dividends. The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House responded keenly to his confident direction.

17 декабря 2016www.operanews.comGeorge Hall
Concert, Various
C: Andris Nelsons
A profound reimagining of Salome from the Bayerische Staatsoper

Petrenko’s, her Salome vibrates with ill-suppressed violence and traumatized rage, playing with the dawning knowledge of her own erotic power.

01 июля 2019www.ft.comFinancial Times

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