Anmeldelser af tidligere produktion

Linda di Chamounix, Donizetti
D: Roman Feodori
C: Anton GrishaninAyrat Kashaev
Красота и коварство бельканто: «Линда ди Шамуни» Доницетти на Камерной сцене Большого

Достигнутый в премьере результат — пятьдесят на пятьдесят: в музыкальном плане с бельканто справились выше всех ожиданий, но постановочные решения говорят о, видимо, слабом понимании непривычного материала.

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14 juni 2022portal-kultura.ruАлександр МАТУСЕВИЧ
Madama Butterfly, Puccini
D: Vadim Keish
C: Alexander MatushkinAnton Grishanin
Chelyabinsk "Madame Butterfly" will put on a kimono from someone else's shoulder

What kind of fantasy the theaters do not provoke the crisis that has come. It seems that he has gone out in earnest, since he forces, tightening his belts tighter, not only to pull out old clothes and props from the storerooms and change, but also to use costumes from someone else's shoulder. This ingenious idea found a place in the anti-crisis program of the Chelyabinsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Glinka. Theater director Vadim Keish has recently started staging Puccini's opera Madame Butterfly. While the rehearsals are underway, the wardrobe and apartments for Cio-Cio-San and her entourage are already waiting for fitting - they were brought from Yekaterinburg. There, this opera was staged by the famous (not only for the brilliant performances on the stage of the Chelyabinsk Opera, but also for the scandals around "The Demon") director Alexei Stepanyuk from St. Petersburg. The scenery and costumes for the upcoming eponymous premiere were borrowed from neighbors. This is much cheaper than the millions in costs for its registration. The management of the theater intends to use this economical form of creating performances in the future. The premiere of "Madame Butterfly" is scheduled for April. Together with Vadim Keish, the main (and still the only one in the theater) conductor Anton Grishanin is working on the production. The part of Chio-Cio-San is being practiced by four wonderful soprano holders - Natalya Zavarzina, Elena Mordasova, Elena Rotkina, Lilia Pakhomova, three no less remarkable tenors have been appointed to the part of Pinkerton - Fyodor Ataskevich, Denis Zakirov and Dmitry Polkopin. By the way, Dmitry Polkopin will first sing Pinkerton at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Musical Theater, with which he has a contract.

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18 februar 2009uralpress.ruUralpress

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