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L'olimpiade, Pergolesi
D: David Marton
C: Ottavio Dantone
Prima nazionale
ZÜRICH/ Opernhaus: L’OLIMPIADE von G.B.Pergolesi. Premiere. Spätfolgen der Pandemie

Die «dokumentarischen Sequenzen» werden auf bühnenfüllender Leinwand gezeigt und wirken kaum bearbeitet. Was die Morgentoilette oder das Beobachten startender Flugzeuge an der Startbahn mit Pergolesis Musik zu tun haben, muss jeder selbst entscheiden. Marton spricht im Programmheft vom Entstehen von Ideen, denen man in anderen Situation, also ohne Pandemie, wohl nicht gefolgt wäre. Das scheint sehr plausibel.

Per saperne di più
14 marzo 2022onlinemerker.comJan Krobot
Pergolesi’s L’Olimpiade as a reflection on old age in David Marton's Zurich production

Aristea, the contended princess, was Joélle Harvey, who convinced with her silvery soprano, while Argene (Licida’s abandoned lover) was Lauren Snouffer, a very welcome surprise for me: her soprano showed a solid middle register and great presence. The cast was completed by tenor Thomas Erlank, who graced us with a great interpretation of “Siam navi all’onde algenti”, and bass Carlo Allemano, who convinced as King Clistene.

Per saperne di più
15 marzo 2022bachtrack.comLaura Servidei
Don Giovanni, Mozart
D: Alexander Mørk-Eidem
C: Karsten JanuschkeJan Chalupecký
Don Giovanni ventures beyond the footlights at the Estates Theatre in Prague

Mozart enjoyed great success in Prague. Don Giovanni was commissioned after Le nozze di Figaro had proved such a huge hit at the Nostitz in January 1787 (a bigger hit than in Vienna) and his final opera La clemenza di Tito premiered at the theatre in 1791, months before the composer’s untimely death. The Estates is tiny, seating just 635 (closer to 800 in Mozart’s day) and from the brief glimpses at the start of the stream one realises what an intimate experience it must be watching opera there. If the theatre looks familiar, that could be because Miloš Forman shot scenes there for his Oscar-winning film Amadeus.

Per saperne di più
25 aprile 2021bachtrack.comMark Pullinger,

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