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The British Have Come: Sir John in Love

The two lovers—Anne Page (Megan Pachecano) and Fenton (Samuel Levine) were warm, funny, and passionate by turns, soaring in elegant lyricism and preventing parental control from destroying their own plans.

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17 Μάιος 2015www.classical-scene.comSteven Ledbetter
Odyssey Opera's lovable 'Sir John in Love'

Megan Pachecano is a teasing, determined Anne Page and not the typical meek ingénue.

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19 Μάιος 2015www.bostonglobe.comJeffrey Gantz

Προηγούμενες Κριτικές Παραγωγής

Sir John in Love, Vaughan Williams
D: Joshua Major
C: Gil Rose
The British Have Come: Sir John in Love

The two lovers—Anne Page (Megan Pachecano) and Fenton (Samuel Levine) were warm, funny, and passionate by turns, soaring in elegant lyricism and preventing parental control from destroying their own plans.

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17 Μάιος 2015www.classical-scene.comSteven Ledbetter
Odyssey Opera opens British festival with delightful Vaughan Williams rarity

Samuel Levine and Megan Pachecano had excellent chemistry as the lovers Fenton and Anne Page that feature in the opera’s secondary narrative thread. Levine’s tenor was light and bubbly, complementing Pachecano’s warm and smooth-toned soprano. Her brightest singing came in her solo 'This is my father’s choice.'

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17 Μάιος 2015bostonclassicalreview.comAaron Keebaugh

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