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Madama Butterfly, Puccini
D: Dražen Siriščević
C: Valentin Egel
Kast: Morana Pleše Petruševski, Stanislava Šćulac, Anamarija Knego, Aljaž Farasin, Emilia Rukavina, Robert Kolar, Sergei Kiselev, Marko Fortunato, Saša Matovina, Dominika Fortunato, Dario Bercich, Darko Matijašević, Slavko Sekulić, Ana Majdak
Program at the Croatian National Theater Ivana pl. Zajc: "Madama Butterfly" and a concert of the Ljubljana Opera and Ballet

In the opera "Madama Butterfly" the role of the young Japanese Cio-Cio San will be sung by the champion of the Anamarija Knego Theater Program at the Croatian National Theater Ivana pl. Zajc begins with the pre-season, a two-day musical-scenic introduction to the new theater season, on Friday, September 10 and Saturday, September 11, 2021, reports from the Rijeka Theater. The first on the program at 8 pm is Puccini's opera "Madama Butterfly", created in collaboration with the Croatian National Theater in Split, directed by Dražen Siriščević. The same place, the same hour, but on the second day on the "Zajc" stage, the Opera and Ballet of the Slovenian National Theater from Ljubljana will perform in a concert program. In the opera "Madama Butterfly", the role of the young Japanese Cio-Cio San will be sung by the champion of the Anamarija Knego Theater, and the reckless officer of the US Navy Pinkerton will be played by the theater champion Aljaž Farasin. The role of Suzuki will be played by Ivana Srbljan, and the role of Sharpless will be sung by Robert Kolar. Other roles will be played by Marko Fortunato, Saša Matovina, Slavko Sekulić, Dario Bercich and others. The opera will be conducted by Valentin Egel, chief conductor of the Rijeka Symphony Orchestra. The concert on Saturday will be conducted by Slovenian maestro Marko Hribernik, and the program includes arias and duets from operettas, comic operas and comic Spanish zurzuela signed by Strauss, Lehár, Offenbach, Bernstein, Smetana, Chapí, Fernández Caballero and others. - Let's just mention some like "Bat", "Happy Widows", "Land of Smiles", "Sold Brides". .. As soloists, with the orchestra of the Ljubljana SNG, will perform stars of the Slovenian opera scene, sopranos Urška Arlič Gololičič and Urška Breznik, mezzo-soprano Nuška Drašček, baritone Jože Vidic and Slovenian tenor, champion of the Rijeka HNK Aljaž Farasin. The program will also include the eternally popular polkas and waltzes of Strauss II. with performances by the ballet ensemble choreographed by the famous Robert Zanella - reported from the Theater, noting that tickets for both programs can be purchased online from September 1, and at the box office "Zajc" from September 3.

Aqra iktar
01 Settembru 2021www.novilist.hrDavor Mandic
Die Zauberflöte, Mozart
D: Renata Carola Gatica
C: Valentin Egel
Kast: Dario Bercich, Luka Ortar, Ivan Šimatović, Slavko Sekulić, Morana Pleše Petruševski, Ana Majdak, Gabriela Deglin, Darija Auguštan, Filip Filipović, Vanja Zelčić, Marko Fortunato, Robert Kolar, Emilia Rukavina, Ivana Srbljan
Rijeka's first 'Magic Flute' premiered

"Magic Flute" is special in that it combines a simple play, sometimes based on folk and sometimes on a typical Mozart's playful melodic style, with the deepest and most serious pages of a musical score from the last year of the author's life RIJEKA Mozart's "Magic Flute", 230 years since the composer's death, was premiered last night at the Croatian National Theater Ivan pl. Zajc - for the first time on the Rijeka stage. It is the author's last opera and one of the most successful and most famous operas of all time, and the Rijeka performance was conducted by maestro Valentin Egel , chief conductor of the Rijeka Symphony Orchestra, and directed by Renata Carola Gatica . This timeless story of symbolic struggle between good and evil, personified in the characters of the high priest Sarastra and the Queen of the Night, which includes love stories of Prince Tamin and Princess Pamina, as well as birders Papagen and Papagena, abounds in many famous musical numbers and geographical barriers. "The Magic Flute" is special in that it combines a simple play, sometimes based on folk and sometimes on a typical Mozart's playful melodic style, with the deepest and most serious pages of a musical score from the last year of the author's life. The special charm stems from its fairytale, cheerfulness and colorful gallery of characters, while according to some interpretations, Masonic symbolism can be recognized in it. Although he composed it, on a libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder, near the end of his life, Mozart nevertheless led the premiere in Vienna in 1791 and experienced its success only two months before his death. Along with director Renata Carola Gatica, the author team of Rijeka's first "Magic Flute" consists of set designer and costume designer Sandra Dekanić, choreographers Carlos Huerta Pardo and Michele Pastorini and lighting designer Dalibor Fugošić. Cast: Filip Filipović, Darija Auguštan, Viktorija Đurđek, Ivan Šimatović in alternation with Dario Bercic, Gabrijela Deglin in alternation with Moran Pleše Petruševski, Vanja Zelčić, Lorena Krstić, Sofija Cingula in alternation with Ivana Srbljan, Slavko Segalić and Marko Fort , and actors and actresses of Croatian and Italian drama, students of the Study of Acting and Media of the Rijeka Academy of Applied Arts, members of the Torretta Children's Choir and the Rijeka Symphony Orchestra and the Rijeka Opera Choir are also participating. After a three-hour performance, the performers and the author's team were accompanied by long applause, shouts of 'bravo' and standing ovations.

Aqra iktar
24 Novembru 2021www.novilist.hrKim Cuculić

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