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An outstanding and very underused performance comes from Gemma Morsely as Lucrezia. Her soaring voice and acting talent is suited to something like opera; a forum that is crying out for people that can combine those two talents.

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01 Μάιος 2008www.extraextra.orgAllan Taylor
Cosi Fan Tutte

The singing is of a high standard throughout with no weak links, but Gemma Morsley as Dorabella stands out.

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21 Αύγουστος 2011www.whatsonstage.comDavid Norman

Προηγούμενες Κριτικές Παραγωγής

Le nozze di Figaro, Mozart
D: John RamsterMatthew Quirk
C: Harry Sever
Marriage, madness and all that jazz: The Marriage of Figaro, Mozart, Merry Opera

Gemma Morsley’s waspy yet vulnerable Marcellina is an absolute delight, getting right to the heart of the role with her finely-honed mezzo (not to mention some fabulous dancing, handbag clutched and ready).

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