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Zum goldenen Giger, Strübing
D: Christian ShidlowskyBernd Regenauer
C: Ingmar BeckRomely Pfund
Мировая премьера
"Zum Goldenen Giger" - erste fränkische Bier-Oper

Liebe, Tod und Zoff ohne Ende. Im Gasthof "Zum Goldenen Giger" tobt der ganz normale Wahnsinn. Opernstoff pur für den Kabarettisten Bernd Regenauer. Mit den Nürnberger Symphonikern probt er seine "erste fränkische Bier-Oper" im Stadttheater Fürth.

16 мая 2022www.br.deNannette Stegner-Brodmann
Unter dem Gletscher, Obst
D: Hermann Schneider
C: Ingmar Beck
Мировая премьера
Gletscher-Oper und Nestroys Gruselposse

In der Hauptpartie überzeugt Anna Alàs i Jove sowohl schauspielerisch als auch mit sängerischer Ausstrahlung.

22 мая 2022www.krone.atFred Dorfer
Le nozze di Figaro, Mozart
D: François De Carpentries
C: Markus Poschner
Linz's "Figaro" between vows of love and upheavals

The leading team had already staged four Mozart operas in Linz in recent years. The jubilation and the expected standing ovations were mainly for the musical side. Already with the overture, Markus Poschner showed his unquestionable competence for Mozart - with a beaming face and animating gestures for the ladies and gentlemen of the Bruckner Orchestra Linz, who for their part proved their professional quality right from the start. Already the first applause had frenetic quality. Poschner also understands how to accompany and reinforce the soloists to lead them to special performances. All roles could be satisfactorily to excellently cast by members of the ensemble.

16 января 2022www.sn.atSalzburger Nachrichten

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