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“But I’d say that Javier Arrey, shouldering most of the solo chores, was the best baritone we’ve had here in Carmina…”

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19 maj 2016Perry Tannenbaum

“It was amazing with what easiness and assuredness he sang Marcello, with all the high and low notes, cantabile and marcato and how he built up the role, light and emotional”

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16 november 2016S. Pfabigan

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Turandot, Puccini
D: David Gately
C: Louis Salemno
Maryland Lyric Opera returns to live performance with roof-raising Puccini

Maryland Lyric Opera rose from the pandemic ashes in splendid form on Friday night. In the young company’s first live performance since February of 2020, an excellent cast gave an expansive concert rendition of Puccini’s Turandot in the Music Center at Strathmore. Music director Louis Salemno presided over the oceanic sound of a large orchestra and chorus that filled the hall to thrilling effect.

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26 februar 2022washingtonclassicalreview.comCharles T. Downey

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