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Aida, Verdi
D: Stathis Livathinos
C: Giuliano Carella
Aida - Tel Aviv - Yyediot Aharonot

“Leonardo caimi as Radames has a handsome and soft male presence, he has a warm voice of a true Italian tenor, he’s singing was very touching and moving (emotionally) especially at the last duet with Aida in the grave.” Shay Bar Yaakov

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26 jún 2022Shay Bar Yaakov
Carmen, Bizet
D: Calixto BieitoJamie Manton
C: Valentina Peleggi
Carmen à l’English National Opera, Almodóvar ​dans la langue de j’expire

Le chœur d’adultes et d’enfants de l’English National Opera se réunit, soudé, entraînant et solidaire sur scène. Le résultat vocal est joyeux et rassurant. Enfin, l’orchestre symphonique, dirigé par la cheffe italienne Valentina Peleggi, dynamise et propulse dans la musique de Bizet dès l'ouverture brillante, à travers ce sombre et cruel road-tripe espagnol.

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08 február 2020www.olyrix.com
Strength of ensemble in the casting is a defining factor of this ENO Carmen revival

Driving the drama is ENO Mackerras Fellow Valentina Peleggi. Her conducting is dynamic yet detailed; rarely if ever at ENO have the lines of the orchestral contribution been so finely honed, and the orchestra clearly loves her, on top form throughout. Chiselled rhythms, a full realisation of the colourful orchestration, a deep grasp of the ongoing dramatic thrust were all in evidence, as was a willingness to relax into the lyricism where appropriate (as in the José/Micaëla passages in the first act around what in French would have been ‘Parle-moi de ma mère’); and now the run has settled in, ensemble problems were minimal. The wonderfully reedy bassoon at the beginning of the second act particularly merits mention.

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09 február 2020seenandheard-international.comColin Clarke

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