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Pròxims vídeos de producció

Die Walküre (The Valkyrie), Richard Wagner
D: Valentin Schwarz
C: Simone Young
Götterdämmerung (The Twilight of the Gods), Richard Wagner
D: Valentin Schwarz
C: Simone Young

Vídeos de producció anterior

Die Walküre (The Valkyrie), Richard Wagner
D: Valentin Schwarz
C: Pietari Inkinen
Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248 (Christmas Oratorio), Johann Sebastian Bach
C: Ludwig Böhme
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, op. 125 ("Choral") (9th Symphony), Ludwig van Beethoven
C: Kahchun Wong
Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
D: Christoph Marthaler
C: Sylvain Cambreling

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