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Aida, Verdi
D: Stathis Livathinos
C: Giuliano Carella
Aida - Tel Aviv - Yyediot Aharonot

“Leonardo caimi as Radames has a handsome and soft male presence, he has a warm voice of a true Italian tenor, he’s singing was very touching and moving (emotionally) especially at the last duet with Aida in the grave.” Shay Bar Yaakov

26 Juni 2022Shay Bar Yaakov
Siegfried, Wagner, Richard
D: Günter Krämer
C: Philippe Jordan
Classic Toulouse

Harmoniques somptueuses, ligne de chant impeccable. Toutes ces qualités on les retrouve chez le contralto chinois Qiu Lin Zhang, probablement la plus belle Erda au monde actuellement.

Robert Penavayre
Kiss me, Kate, Porter
D: Barrie Kosky
C: Koen SchootsPeter Christian Feigel

Fred werd neergezet door de Nederlandse bariton Peter Bording. Hij onderscheidde zich te midden van de vooral met musicalartiesten bezette cast met beeldschone, klankrijke zang. Tegelijk deed hij acterend niet onder voor zijn collega’s. Hij toonde (in vlekkeloos Duits!) dat hij theatraal gezien heel wat meer in zijn mars heeft dan de doorsnee operazanger. Zijn Fred was van begin tot eind geloofwaardig.

20 Januar 2016www.operamagazine.nlJordi Kooiman
Orphée aux enfers, Offenbach
D: Barrie Kosky
C: Adrien Perruchon
Barrie Koskys „Orpheus in der Unterwelt“: Götter mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit

Wunderbar Peter Bording als Jupiter, ein Bürger im Anzug, der seine Priviliegien davonschwimmen sieht; dass er Eurydike als Fliege becircen will, ist von grausam-komischer Konsequenz. Dazu passt sein verzweifelt blasierter Gesang.

08 Dezember 2021www.berliner-zeitung.dePeter Ueling
Orphée aux enfers (Orpheus in the Underworld)

“Fire of Disrespect” (Émile Zola). "Max Hopp as John Styx, who speaks dubbing, is an excellent cast - just as wonderfully strange as the production itself."

Orphée aux enfers, Offenbach
D: Barrie Kosky
C: Marie JacquotPatrick Francis Chestnut
El procaz y desinhibido Barrie Kosky

Es estupendo cómo Peter Bording, en el papel del jefe de los dioses, de voz potente, tira de toda la comedia para hacer gala del hombre permanentemente agredido y, al mismo tiempo, conservar un poco de simpatía por él mismo (según el lema de que "Júpiter es tan solo un hombre").

06 April 2022www.mundoclasico.comJuan Carlos Tellechea
The Nose, op. 15, Shostakovich
D: Barrie Kosky
C: Ingo Metzmacher
BWW Review: THE NOSE, Royal Opera House, 20 October 2016

Laughter is a powerful dramatic weapon. Not the kind of laughter you normally get in the Royal Opera House - knowing, self-conscious - but actual inelegant, snorting-before-you-even-realised-it laughter. Kosky harnesses this anarchic force, startling an audience expecting an improving piece of musical modernism by giving them instead a disarming piece of cutthroat comedy.Kosky, in a brilliant sleight of hand, transforms the oversized nose into a mischievous tap-dancing boy. Ilan Galkoff clearly has a ball, and together with his troupe of adult tap dancers (ten in total) they nearly romp off with the piece, thanks to Otto Pichler's superb choreography and the witty designs of Klaus Grunberg.A rash of false noses and some elaborate costumes make it hard to identify many of the players, but the core ensemble make their presence known, relishing the vernacular rough and tumble of David Pountney's new English translation. John Tomlinson leers and lurches and broods as (by turns) the Barber, Newspaper Office Clerk and Doctor, while the double act of Helene Schneiderman and Ailish Tynan forms a deliciously grotesque mother and daughter team. Alexander Kravets's Police Inspector finds comic gold in the composer's extraordinarily demanding vocal writing, and Susan Bickley makes much of her cameo as the Old Countess. But the evening belongs to Martin Winkler, a singing-actor of such skill, whose physical and vocal clowning as the luckless Kovalev - all orifices and ooze in Kosky's hideous portrait - must penetrate this bustling phantasmagoria and make us care. Panto season has arrived early, and for those who like their clowns sad and their comedy sharpened to a point, there won't be a better show this winter.

21 Oktober 2016www.broadwayworld.comAlexandra Coghlan

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