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Trailer „Angels in America“
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Angels in America (Angels), Eötvös

Angels by Eötvös, mið 20 apr 2022, Frá (2022/2022), Leikstýrt af Sam Helfrich,, Hljómsveitarstjóri Leslie Suganandarajah, Landestheater, Salzburg, Austria

Skoða leikara og áhöfn fyrir 20 apr 2022





The world is in chaos, but the divine is not dead. Disappointed by angels and people, it has withdrawn and made the dust - so the helpless angel announces, who suddenly breaks through the ceiling into Prior Walter's hospital room and him wants to entrust the saving of the earth. As savior, Walter is supposed to avert the catastrophe, stop the progress and thus again bring peace among the angels. Who am I and what world do I live in? What role do people play, how much can they influence their own fate? How moral is man and does the divine exist? With his monumental drama "Angels in America", the basis for Eötvös' opera, the American writer Tony Kushner drew a political, existential, multi-layered psychogram of people and a panorama of the religiously over-the-top America. In view of the AIDS epidemic and the political and ecological upheavals of the 1980s, the characters experience their being as a state of emergency. The opera "Angels in America", which premiered in Paris in 2004, focuses on the individual fates of the protagonists in Tony Kushner's play, which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. Peter Eötvös (* 1944) is one of the most successful opera composers of our time. In his music, elements of pop music, jazz, minimal music and everyday noises merge into a very sound-oriented, musical interpretation of Tony Kushner's (* 1956) drama. The production renews the artistic axis between the New York City Opera and the Salzburg State Theater, which was established in New York with the Salzburg guest performance "Brokeback Mountain". Sam Helfrich is one of the most promising directing talents of his generation, his work has been seen from Spoleto to Boston.
Um upplýsingar er að finna á: English
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