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Uri r-ritratti kollha ta' Art project "Tenors of the XXI century" with the program "Dedication to the Master" (Alexander Sibirtsev)
Art project "Tenors of the XXI century" with the program "Dedication to the Master" (Alexander Sibirtsev)

Art project "Tenors of the XXI century" with the program "Dedication to the Master" (Alexander Sibirtsev) by Various, Tli 23 Fra 2021, Minn (2021/2021), Immexxi minn Dmitriy Sibirtsev,, Samara Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Samara, Russia

Krediti ta' prestazzjoni (Il-Kast & l-Ekwipaġġ )

Ara kollox
Viewing Cast u Crew għal 23 Fra 2021


Programm, Dwar & Sinossi

Ara kollox


Ara kollox

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Ara kollox