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Tosca, Puccini

Tosca by Puccini, fös 25 mar 2022, Frá (2022/2022), Leikstýrt af Zuzana Gilhuus,, Hljómsveitarstjóri Han-Na Chang

Skoða leikara og áhöfn fyrir 25 mar 2022






Cheif conductyor Han-Na Chang about Tosca: Floria Tosca is a very complex woman… during this one day and night that we get to meet her, the most famous, glamorous and beautiful singer of her time, Tosca, has a very hard time communicating with her lover Cavaradossi, a painter with revolutionary Voltairean political beliefs. They sing of their love for each other every time we see them, and they love each other oh so much - but each time there is some sort of deception involved, always with very good intentions, on his or her part… and they don’t really succeed to communicate genuinely what really matters in that moment to each of them, with fatal consequences… However…. With Scarpia, the ruthless despot who almost succeeds to seduce her, she and he understand each other so well, so perfectly, even though she yells out so many times how she hates him. Scarpia knows just how to play her temperament, and in turn she knows just how to egg him on. She is not a calculating person at all, she does not act intentionally with motive behind her every move - no, not at all! I believe she is a very sincere and good person at heart, impulsive yes but always honest to herself, and she is definitely not a one-dimensional character… there is a very complex psychological person here in front of us and that is what makes this opera so fascinating. What can I say about the music of Puccini! Brutal, truthful, exciting, dramatic, realistic hence theatrical to the bone, descriptive beyond words. Tosca is a perfect Puccini opera on steroids - where all three main characters end up dead. Come and find out why….
Um upplýsingar er að finna á: English
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