Vadim Gluzman Plays Brahms
Vadim Gluzman Plays Brahms
New Jersey Symphony (2025)
20 - 23 marts 2025 (3 forestillinger)
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Oplysninger fra kunstorganisation (verificeret af Operabase)

Vadim Gluzman Plays Brahms by Schumann, Ortiz, G., Brahms, tors. 20 mar. 2025, Fra (2025/2025), Dirigent Lina Gonzalez-Granados, State Theatre New Jersey, New Brunswick, United States

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Viser Cast og Crew for 20 mar. 2025
Vælg ArbejdeOverture, Scherzo and Finale, op. 52 (Overture, Scherzo and Finale, Op.52), Schumann
