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Amadigi di Gaula, Händel
D: Andrea Bernard
C: Roland Böer
Darmstädter Echo

The Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra under the direction of Roland Böer provided strong emotional impulses with their concise, high-contrast play. (...) While Elizabeth Reiter fired bright coloratura as Melissa and vengeance exploding top notes and Beth Taylor triumphed as Dardano with a fiery, masculine alto voice, Kateryna Kasper as Oriana provided a lyrical counterbalance with her bright soprano. (...)

oper-frankfurt.deSilvia Adler
Online Musik Magazin

Roland Böer leads (...) the Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra with a sure hand through the baroque score, so that in the end there is great and well-deserved applause for everyone involved. (...)

oper-frankfurt.deThomas Molke

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