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Dialogues des Carmélites, Poulenc
D: Stephen Carr
C: Nicolas Ellis
GGS Carmélites delivers

After Blanche, perhaps the most complex role is Mme Lidoine. It’s not flashy and it’s psychologically extremely complex. Portraying that is a challenge and it’s well met by Alexa Frankian. One thing the ladies all have in common is that while their music isn’t flashy it isn’t easy either and doing justice to it and to the character development is demanding. They all rise to it.

20 März 2024operaramblings.blogJohn Gilks
The Glenn Gould School Spring Opera Presents A Superb Dialogues Des Carmélites

Another pivotal personage in this opera is Madame Lidoine, the New Prioress, here taken by budding spinto soprano Alexa Frankian. Lidoine arguably has the most beautiful music to sing, her last act aria, “Mes filles, voilà que s’achève” an absolute highlight. Frankian has the vocal chops to do it justice.

21 März 2024www.ludwig-van.comJoseph So
Flight, Dove
D: Anna Theodosakis
C: Gordon Gerrard
Please ensure your seatbelt is securely fastened

"Alexa Frankian makes the most of the Older Woman; who you can take as hilarious or rather pathetic as you choose. She manages both."

15 März 2023operaramblings.blogJohn Gilks
Jonathan Dove’s Opera Flight Soars In Entertaining RCM-GGS Production

"It can’t be easy for a young artist to play an older woman, but Alexa Frankian was entirely convincing — and I mean that in a good way."

20 März 2023www.ludwig-van.comJoseph So
Recital, Various
Morphology of Desire

Dark, brooding texts, dark, brooding music and a dark, brooding voice with plenty of power. We have a mezzo here not a second soprano! That said, her high notes are all there and there seems to be plenty of power all through the registers, though to be fait I’ve only seen her once in a large hall and that was in operetta.

22 Mai 2016operaramblings.blogJoh Gilks
Folk Songs, Berio
D: Liza Balkan
C: Peter Tiefenbach
In Review: Puss in Boots & Berio;s Folk Songs

I was particularly thrilled to hear Christina Campsall in this kind of singing; she sounds noticeably different from even the last time I really heard her (in last season’s La belle Hélène). Her sound is focused and rich, and her top is really thrilling especially for a mezzo with a middle voice like hers.

15 November 2015www.schmopera.comJenna Simeonov
La Voix humaine, Poulenc
D: Oliver Klöter
La voix humaine

Campsall has a rich, expressive mezzo voice with a clean soprano like upward extension which is pretty much ideal for this role (think Felicity Lott). She also showed herself most capable of effectively negotiating the emotional roller coaster. And that’s what it takes to pull this piece off.

25 Januar 2016operaramblings.blogJoh Gilks

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