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Saffron Opera Group / Umsagnir

Cambridge, England, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom | Company

Umsagnir um fyrri framleiðslu

Der Rosenkavalier, Strauss
C: Michael Thorne
Remarkable singing actors makes Saffron Opera Group’s Rosenkavalier a significant achievement

'Solid performances all round from the rest of the cast'

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12 september 2023seenandheard-international.comJim Pritchard
Tannhäuser, Wagner, Richard
C: Michael Thorne
Tannhäuser at Saffron Hall

'As Elisabeth, Samantha Crawford was also inspired casting. She has the innocent presence and unconstricted soprano radiance perfect for this and other Wagner roles; the silvery gleam in her voice produced a trumpet- like 'Dich, teure Halle', and then she sang a beautifully remote prayer to the Jungfrau, Wagner's paraphrase of the Salve Regina. She engaged with the role, and it was thrilling.'

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12 október 2022www.opera.co.ukPeter Reed
Così fan tutte, Mozart
C: Michael Thorne
Cosi fan tutte

The young lovers were astonishingly well cast and – crucial for this opera I suspect? – they generally had youth on their side. Fiordiligi is the character who is most conflicted by events and has the biggest arc – which Jessica Cale with her bright eloquent soprano created perfectly – from professing Fiordiligi’s rock-like constancy in ‘Come scoglio’, her tenderly introspective ‘Per pietà’, to her succumbing to the impassioned Ferrando in their ‘Fra gli amplessi’ Act II duet.

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Seen and Heard International

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