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Lessons in Love and Violence, Benjamin
D: Katie Mitchell
C: George Benjamin
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Madman in Lessons in Love and Violence by Sir George Benjamin

The various supporting roles came in the names of Jennifer France, Krisztina Szabó and Andri Björn Róbertsson, all of excellent level where the latter managed to change himself to a madman

Peter Franken - Basia con fuoco
Madman in Lessons in Love and Violence by Sir George Benjamin

Bass-baritone Andri Björn Róbertsson as Witness 3 and an excellent personification of the Madman

Luciano Marra de al Fuente - Tiempo de Musica
Lessons in Love and Violence, Benjamin
D: Katie Mitchell
C: Kent Nagano
Madman in Lessons in Love and Violence by Sir George Benjamin

Andri Björn Róbertsson, der bereits an der Uraufführung als dritter Zeuge und Madman mitwirkte und sicher schon damals besonders in der zweiten Rolle, in seinen Bann zog, durch seinen wohlklingenden Bassbariton und authentisches Spiel.

Birgit Kleinfeld - Opernmagazin.de
Madman in Lesson in Love and Violence by Sir George Benjamin

Saluons également la composition, impressionnante, d'Andri Björn Róbertson en déséquilibré revendiquant la couronne et que Mortimer fait éliminer, en guise de leçon, devant le Fils d'Edouard

Bernard Schreuders - Forum Opera
Wozzeck, Berg
D: David McVicar
C: Stefan Blunier
Un cri urgent pour plus de compassion

Mark Stone is a powerful, flexible Wozzeck, the voice knows how to be humble, but also incisive, projected, voluntary. / Mark Stone est un Wozzeck puissant, souple, la voix sait se faire humble, mais aussi incisive, projetée, volontaire.

13 марта 2017www.forumopera.comYvan Beuvard
Wozzeck à Genève : la sublime souffrance pour seul héritage

Harnessed like a beast of burden to an agricultural cart, Mark Stone in Wozzeck deploys the broad spectrum of his voice in his humiliated cry of despair ‘Wir arme Leut’, but this lament no longer has its character of resistance to the captain, who has left to get dressed. The pronunciation of the title role’s interpretation is intelligible and eloquent, snapping the dental and palatal consonants, lengthening the sibilant and hissing, rounding the vowels. / Harnaché comme une bête de somme à une carriole agricole, Mark Stone en Wozzeck déploie le large spectre de sa voix dans son cri de désespoir humilié ‘Wir arme Leut’ mais cette complainte n'a plus son caractère de résistance face au capitaine, celui-ci étant parti s'habiller. La prononciation de l'interprète du rôle-titre est intelligible et éloquente, faisant claquer les consonnes dentales et palatales, allongeant les sifflantes et chuintantes, arrondissant les voyelles.

04 марта 2017www.olyrix.comCharles Arden
Written on Skin, Benjamin
D: Katie Mitchell
C: George Benjamin
Review: Written on Skin (Royal Opera House)

The five-strong cast includes several of the work's creators. Christopher Purves again sings the Protector, baleful yet mellifluous except in some cruel interpolations for the baritone's head voice, while Barbara Hannigan, recently Mitchell's Mélisande (and Pelléas et Mélisande was one of Benjamin's avowed influences when planning this opera), returns in triumph as the passionate, wilful Agnès. She interprets the grotesque climactic transubstantiation with devastating simplicity. Mezzo Victoria Simmonds repeats her role as an Angel, joined on this occasion by no less a figure than tenor Mark Padmore as well as a handful of silent supernumeraries. All have been rigorously prepared for this revival by Mitchell and her admirable deputy, Dan Ayling. However, it's Iestyn Davies who raises the production to new heights. The countertenor makes his ROH role debut as the Boy, with an enigmatic presence that renders the harmonic eroticism of his duets with Hannigan all the more intriguing. Indeed, his melismatic delivery of the word 'merciful' suggests that he's a celestial visitor to a rotten world, come to give base mankind a bit of a kicking. If so, we could do with him now.

14 января 2017www.whatsonstage.comMark Valencia

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