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Erwartung, Schoenberg, Arnold
D: André Heller-Lopes
C: David Robertson
Opera Paris : A 'Boris' in search of a Boris

Jessye Norman had the stage all to herself as she opened the season of the Theatre du Chatelet as "the woman" in two one-acters about a woman in the process of losing her mind because she is losing her man. Schoenberg's "Erwartung" consists of the hysterical ravings of a woman stumbling through a forest in search of her lover, whom she finally finds shot to death by her rival.

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30 10월 2002www.nytimes.comDavid Stevens
Au Théâtre du Châtelet, Jessye Norman de velours

C’est sur une véritable soirée de gala que s’est ouverte la saison 2002-2003 du Théâtre du Châtelet, qui accueillait pour la seconde fois consécutive en ce même cadre, la majestueuse Jessye Norman.

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08 10월 2002www.resmusica.comresmusica

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