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Lessons in Love and Violence (Lições de amor e violência), George Benjamin
D: Dan Ayling
C: George Benjamin
Lessons in Love and Violence (Lições de amor e violência), George Benjamin
D: Dan Ayling
C: George Benjamin
Die Zauberflöte (A flauta mágica), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
D: Paul Carr
C: José Miguel Esandi
Die Zauberflöte (A flauta mágica), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
D: John Savournin
C: David Eaton
Die Zauberflöte (A flauta mágica), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
D: John Savournin
C: David Eaton
L'elisir d'amore (O elixir do amor), Gaetano Donizetti
D: Roberto Recchia
C: Richard Barker
Die Zauberflöte (A flauta mágica), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
D: James Hurley
C: Oliver John Ruthven

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