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Aida, Verdi
D: Andrew Sinclair
C: Somtow Sucharitkul
Osades: Nancy Yuen, Jee Hye Han, Thomas Ruud, Israel Lozano, Grace Echauri, Jo-Pei Weng, Martin Ng, Alvin Tan, Steven Ang, Jack Sun, Jonathan Tay, Cherie Tse
A little uneven musically but thoughtful direction makes Aida worthy gold in Singapore

Local singer Ng was excellent as a courageous Amonasro, sporting a voice burnished with determination and a performance acted with vigour.

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09 juuni 2018operachaser.blogspot.comOpera Chaser
Il barbiere di Siviglia, Rossini
D: Martin Lyngbo
C: Lio Kuokman
Osades: Martin Ng, Jo-Pei Weng, Ilhun Jung, Julian Lo, Lai Chueh-yu, Zheng-cheng Tsai
打開時尚、復古、典雅、精巧的故事「多寶格」— 羅西尼歌劇《塞維亞理髮師》

盱衡整部製作,創意與傳統兼具,時尚與復古並存,充份展現了十九世紀浪漫主義的精神、義大利歌劇的美學、別出心裁的創意、精雕細琢的舞台設計;再從細節觀察,舞台上的所有元素,不論是聽覺與視覺都是高規格、高品質的呈現,每一個場面調度皆精準無比。 ... 整體來看,聲樂家們的敬業精神是令人感佩的。看到兩位男中音(飾演費加洛的丁一憲與飾演巴托羅醫生的吳翰衛)在舞台上同場飆戲,相當精彩。他們以穩健的演唱功力紮實定錨,讓這些極具挑戰的花腔、裝飾音、一長串快速音群的咬字與音準,得以沖宵竄騰且精確到位。譬如費加洛〈好事者之歌〉(Largo al factotum della citta)、巴西里奧〈騙得了我這醫生?〉(A un dottor della mia sorte) 等,都表現出不急不徐的精準詮釋。

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08 jaanuar 2022pareviews.ncafroc.org.twLiu Mali

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