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D: Josef Zehetgruber
C: Bruce Ferden
Osades: Renée Fleming, Nicole Philibosian, Richard Van Allan, Ben Heppner, David Bender, Ealynn Voss, Sheila Nadler, Deeji Killian, Dawn Jensen Farry, Louise Marley, Byron Ellis, Paul Gudas, Susan Graham
Opera Spins Magic For The Eye And The Ear -- New Staging Of Dvorak's `Rusalka' Proves Fairy Tales Can Come True

Bring your binoculars. Your wide-angled field glasses; your high-powered spyglass; your best mother-of-pearl lorgnette. Because Seattle Opera's new ``Rusalka'' production is likely to be one of the loveliest-looking shows you'll ever see. Gasps and applause greeted the storybook sets, fairy-tale forests, glittering waters and brilliantly subtle lighting effects created by renowned designer Gunther Schneider-Siemssen, who also made his American stage-directing debut with this production.

Loe rohkem
29 oktoober 1990archive.seattletimes.comMelinda Bargreen

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