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D: Hugh Halliday
C: Anthony Negus
投擲: Bradley DaleyJason WasleyKirstin SharpinLee AbrahmsenWarwick Olney FyfeAdrian TamburiniRoger HowellMatthew ThomasLouis HurleyMichael DimovskiRebecca RashleighLouise KeastMichael DimovskiCameron SibleyDarcy CarrollDavid Lawson-SmithMark Caile
Melbourne Opera in superb voice for Beethoven's magnificent Fidelio

In this, the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth, concert halls around the world are bursting with his music. And rightfully so. Possibly no other composer took from the past and gave to the future like Ludwig. Melbourne Opera begins the city’s main-stage season with his only opera, Fidelio.In Seville, the jailor’s daughter Marzelline has fallen for a newcomer, Fidelio, who is actually a woman in disguise. The story follows the woman, Leonore, as she attempts to free her husband, Florestan, a political prisoner of governor Don Pizarro. The fight for justice was reflected by political life during the Napoleonic occupation of Vienna in the early 19th century, when Fidelio premiered. This opera is not flawless; some of the vocal writing for Leonore and Florestan is utterly merciless and the spoken dialogue can be a bit naff. Thankfully, the score is magnificent. As Marzelline, Rebecca Rashleigh is a perfect Mozartian soprano. She’s sweet and sassy, her voice is even with a ringing, clear top. Adrian Tamburini brings austerity and commanding vocal presence to father Rocco. As the maniacal Pizarro, Warwick Fyfe’s booming baritone comes walloping out into the Athenaeum auditorium. Fyfe also has the greatest success with spoken German dialogue. Bradley Daley, as Florestan, is in absolutely superb voice. Opening Act II on a high G, lying on his stomach no less, Daley starts strong and his hugely impressive tenor never falters. The audience is required to wholeheartedly invest in the title character’s struggle and celebrate her steadfast loyalty in the face of oppression. Young dramatic soprano Kirstin Sharpin certainly has the voice, though her characterisation didn’t quite convince in portraying unfaltering conviction and bravery. What a coup the relationship between Anthony Negus and MO is for Melbourne. His intelligent conducting is incredibly spirited, yet exact and emotive. The orchestra follows him to the hilt, the famous Leonore 3 overture was rapturous. It’s also the best singing you’ll hear from the Melbourne Opera chorus. One of the most transcendental moments in all opera is Fidelio’s Act I quartet, where Beethoven’s mastery shines. And it did so here, Negus controlling a perfectly balanced ensemble, where the theme was gently, respectfully passed from one voice to another. The orchestra was deftly woven throughout, playing with passion and purpose. If the rest of Beethoven’s birthday celebrations are this affecting, Melbourne is in for a year-long party to remember.

06 二月 2020www.smh.com.auBridget Davies
