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La Circe, Ziani, P. A.
D: Céline Ricci
C: Derek Tam
Исполнители: Céline Ricci, Kindra Scharich, Kyle Stegall, Ryan Belongie, Aurélie Veruni, Jasmine Johnson, Jonathan Smucker, Igor Vieira, Katherine Hutchinson
Ars Minerva: La Circe

Outstanding and delightful... a useful reminder of the operatic riches that remain yet uncovered beyond the constant revivals of Traviata and Bohème

10 сентября 2017reverberatehills.blogspot.comPatrick J. Vaz
Ars Minerva's La Circe Review

The breadth of Bay Area musical talent was on full display here and the diversity of sound was impressive

09 сентября 2017operatattler.typepad.com
Le amazzoni nell'isole fortunate, Pallavicino
D: Céline Ricci
C: Derek Tam
Исполнители: Tonia D'Amelio, Molly Mahoney, Spencer Dodd, Aurélie Veruni, Kindra Scharich, Ryan Matos, Cara Gabrielson, Casey Lee Thorne, Coral Martin
Мировая премьера
Ars Minerva Discovers Lusty Amazons Opera

Ars Minerva’s sophomore outing on May 21–22, Carlo Pallavicino’s The Amazons in the Fortunate Isles, promises an equally satisfying excavation of a Venetian tragicomedy. Bursting with catastrophe, innuendo, blatant lies, sex, humor and, first and foremost, excellent music, Amazons has not been seen since its premiere in 1679.

17 мая 2016www.sfcv.orgLou Fancher
The Amazons in the Fortunate Isles—Gender Bending in Venice

A Conversation with Ars Minerva’s Céline Ricci

08 мая 2016sfems.org

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