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For the first time in the past 70 years, the opera has been staged again on the Moscow stage. The plot of the legend of the mysterious knight of the Holy Grail, Lohengrin, is both romantic and frightening. In the fate of Elsa, unjustly accused of the murder of her missing brother, and a country where chaos reigns, the appearance of Lohengrin plays a decisive role. He saves Elsa and is ready to lead the country on one condition - not to ask about his name and past. The girl breaks her oath by begging her beloved to give her name. Lohengrin reveals the secret, returning her brother to Elsa, but leaves her forever. One of the leading European conductors, a connoisseur of Wagner's style, who has repeatedly conducted Lohengrin in various theaters of the world, maestro Jan Latham-Koenig, was invited to work on the opera : Wagner has always been a special composer for me because of the unique musical personality he possessed. Perhaps no other 19th century composer had such an impact on 20th century music as Wagner. Lohengrin is one of Wagner's operas that presents him as a mature master. In it you can observe a very bright musical development. A striking feature of the opera is the place that the choirs occupy in it. This is one of the richest opera choirs. Lohengrin is interesting not only for the musical side, but also for its philosophical and historical aspects. The performance of Wagner's Lohengrin at the New Opera today is a significant cultural event. The production of Lohengrin was staged by the creative team of the Royal Danish Opera: director Kasper Holten and artist Steffen Aarfing, who successfully embodied Wagner's tetralogy Der Ring des Nibelungen at the Danish Royal Opera (2003–2006). K. Holten: The opera Lohengrin is interesting from two points of view. First, like a love story, where in the center is a woman trying to love a man whom she can never fully understand. Secondly, as a story about a society in crisis and looking for a new way of development. The protagonist, who looks bright and shiny at first, may not be who we think he is. As the plot progresses, we begin to doubt that he is truly a hero.
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