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3. Sinfoniekonzert: Anmut
Staatsoper Hannover (2023)
26 - 27 nóvember 2023 (2 frammistöður)
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2h 0mins
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3. Sinfoniekonzert: Anmut by Mozart, Bruckner, sun 26 nóv 2023, Frá (2023/2023), Hljómsveitarstjóri Roland Kluttig, Opernhaus, Hanover, Germany

Skoða leikara og áhöfn fyrir 26 nóv 2023
Veldu VinnaViolin Concerto No. 4 in D Major, K. 218 (Violin Concerto No. 4 in D major, K. 218), Mozart



The Fourth Violin Concerto in D major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart begins festively and elegantly, uniting both youth and maturity in a particularly graceful sound. Because in this violin concerto, written in 1775, the focus is not on virtuosity and effective effects, but on the dialogue between solo violin and orchestra, which often enough has the effect of an elegant stepping dance. Already the first chords of the orchestra form an attentive bow to the solo violin. We can look forward to the interpretation of the well-known and popular concert by the violinist Liza Ferschtman from the Netherlands, who has experience with the masterpieces of all musical epochs and who likes to compare the intentions of her violin playing with lyrical singing. Graceful and sublime are also the attributes of Anton Bruckner's music. His 9th symphony, which he wrote at the end of his life with a certain premonition of death, has a particularly solemn mood. "Now I dedicate my last work to the majesty of all majesties, God, and I hope that he will give me enough time to complete it," Anton Bruckner is said to have said to his doctor. In the end, he didn't have the time he wanted: Bruckner died in 1896, the symphony remained unfinished, but it was a worthy conclusion to his life's work as a composer and at the same time represented a stylistic advance into modern music. In front of the Niedersächsische Staatsorchester Hannover, Roland Kluttig, who was general music director at the Landestheater Coburg for ten years, has made guest appearances with well-known orchestras in Germany and Austria and has been chief conductor of the Graz Opera and the Graz Philharmonic for the last three seasons, will be on the conductor's podium for the first time in this concert.
Um upplýsingar er að finna á: English, Deutsch