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BIS! Ascoltiamo due volte: Schumann
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Accademia Filarmonica Romana (2024)
21 április 2024 (1 előadás)
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BIS! Ascoltiamo due volte: Schumann by Schumann, -tól (2024/2024), Accademia Filarmonica Romana, Rome, Italy

Válassza a Munka lehetőségetAdagio and Allegro for Violin and Piano in A flat Major, op. 70 (Adagio and Allegro for Violin and Piano in A flat Major, Op, 70), Schumann


Second meeting for BIS! Let's listen twice , to the new format of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana created by its artistic director, one of the most appreciated Italian cellists, Enrico Dindo accompanied by the pianist Monica Cattarossi . The intent is to offer the public a more aware and attentive listening experience; each musical listening, in fact, is repeated twice interspersed with a moment of dialogue with the musicians and an interaction with the listeners, moderated by the musicologist Valerio Sebastiani . This will be an opportunity to highlight musical, structural and interpretative aspects and other curiosities related to the performance. The public will have the opportunity to compare the first virgin listening with the second, more conscious one, evaluating the importance of both the unconditional approach and training in listening. If the opening concert was focused on Beethoven with the Sonata for Cello and Piano in A major, Op. 69 , the second meeting on Sunday 21 April in Sala Casella (5.30 pm via Flaminia 118), will be dedicated to the romantic repertoire of Robert Schumann with two pieces both composed in 1849, the Adagio and Allegro op. 70 and the Fünf Stücke im Volkston op. 102 . The first, originally for horn and piano and then transposed for other solo instruments, such as the cello in this case, alternates moments with a more meditative tone of the Adagio with an exalted excitement of the final pages of the Allegro. In the Five Pieces in popular style, the cello has a dominant role compared to the piano; the author refers to popular themes, such as a brilliant Bohemian polka, a berceuse and other stylized dances, between the rustic character and lively rhythms of the tarantella. “ Motivated by the desire to bring a personal and musical touch to the Accademia Filarmonica Romana, I thought of creating a new cycle that will put the cello repertoire in the foreground, which has always influenced my choices as artistic director in a significant and always passionate ” explains Dindo, who continues: “ The BIS formula! it will give listeners the opportunity to compare the freshness of the first listening with the awareness of the second, highlighting the difference between a spontaneous approach and growth in listening ”. Enrico Dindo cello Monica Cattarossi piano introduction and moderation Valerio Sebastiani Robert Schumann Adagio e Allegro op. 70 Five Pieces in Folk Tone op. 102 Enrico Dindo He began studying the cello at the age of six. He perfected his skills with Antonio Janigro and in 1997 won First Prize at the Concours de Violoncelle Rostropovitch in Paris. From that moment, after having been, from 1987 to 1998, first solo cello of the Orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, he began a solo activity which led him to perform with the most prestigious orchestras in the world such as BBC Philharmonic, Orchester Nationale de France, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Filarmonica della Scala, Philharmonica di San Petersburg, London Philharmonic Orchestra, alongside the most important conductors including Riccardo Chailly, Gianandrea Noseda, Myung-Whun Chung, Daniele Gatti, Yuri Temirkanov, Riccardo Muti and the Mstislav Rostropovich himself. Permanent director of the I Solisti di Pavia chamber orchestra, an ensemble he created in 2001, he was musical director of the HRT Symphony Orchestra of Zagreb from 2014 to 2021. Since 2022 he has been artistic director of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana. He is a cello teacher at the Conservatory of Italian Switzerland in Lugano, at the Pavia Cello Academy and at the summer courses of the Garda Lake Music Festival. He has recorded for Chandos and Decca. He is an Academician of Santa Cecilia and plays a Pietro Giacomo Rogeri (ex Piatti) cello from 1717, entrusted to him by the Pro Canale Foundation. Monica Cattarossi He lives in Milan and works in the field of chamber music and accompaniment, as a performer, chamber musician and teacher. Invited to play at the most important international festivals, she has held concerts in prestigious halls both as a soloist and in a duo with Julius Berger, Umberto Clerici, Rocco Filippini, Antonio Meneses, Dora Schwarzberg. You and the cellist Enrico Dindo created a professional partnership consolidated thanks to the collaboration for the Pavia Cello Academy and the Conservatory of Italian Switzerland in Lugano, where Monica is an accompanying teacher. You teach chamber music at the “G.” Conservatory. Verdi” in Milan and has held masterclasses at the Sapporo Music University, the Seoul Chamber Orchestra, the Gdansk Academy of Music. As a piano accompanist she has collaborated with the Mozarteum University of Salzburg, currently with the Accademia Chigiana in Siena and the Stauffer Center for Strings in Cremona. Together with Filippo Farinelli he recorded the complete works of André Jolivet for two pianos for the Brilliant Classics label, with the cellist Ettore Pagano a CD for the magazine Suonare News . She has a degree in Musicology.
A részletekről infó érhető el: English, italiano