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CSO + Jonathan Rush with Rachel Barton Pine
Ravinia Festival (2024)
18 ágúst 2024 (1 frammistöður)
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Upplýsingar frá listasamtökum (staðfest af Operabase)

CSO + Jonathan Rush with Rachel Barton Pine by Berlioz, White Lafitte, Paganini, Niccolò, sun 18 ágú 2024, Frá (2024/2024), Hljómsveitarstjóri Jonathan Taylor Rush, Ravinia Pavilion, Highland Park, United States

Skoða leikara og áhöfn fyrir 18 ágú 2024
Veldu VinnaSymphonie fantastique, op. 14 (Symphonie fantastique Op. 14), Berlioz
