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Der Zigeunerbaron
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Der Zigeunerbaron (The Gypsy Baron), Strauss II

The Gypsy Baron by Strauss II, sun 30 sep 2018, Frá (2018/2019), Leikstýrt af Zbigniew Czeski, Hljómsveitarstjóri Przemysław Fiugajski, Teatr Muzyczny w Lublinie (Opera Lubelska), Lublin, Poland

Skoða leikara og áhöfn fyrir 30 sep 2018



This is certainly the most popular and most liked work by J. Strauss. The story of a beautiful Gypsy woman - Saffi and her love for a Hungarian nobleman - Barinkaya, has become an inspiration for many beautiful melodies and picturesque scenery. Gypsy element intertwines here with Viennese elegance, humor with reflection, great crowd scenes with atmospheric arias and duets, and the music of J. Strauss does not require recommendation. The son of the former voivode, Sandor Barinkay, returns to the ruined estate where the Gypsies set up their camp (and according to legend there is a buried old Turkish treasure). On a good morning, he receives a fortune from the old gypsy girl Czipra about the imminent enrichment and marriage. Kalman Żupan, a pig trader, father of the beautiful Arsena, has plans for him, but Ottokar, the son of her governess, is in love with him. Żupan initiates a meeting with Barinkay, during which the young man falls in love with Arsen and declares his desire to marry. However, Arsena sets a condition - she will only marry the baron. This oppressive containment is a ploy to block the way to the heart of Arseny, which already belongs to Ottokar. Barinkay overhears their conversation during the tryst and, agitated, walks away towards the gypsy camp, Chipra's prophecy shows Barinkay the location of the hidden treasure. The arrival of Prince Homonaya, who recruits volunteers for the Turkish war, saves him from the troubles Carnera is preparing for him - and this war, as it is, cuts through all disputes in no time. It also turns out that Saffi is not a gypsy at all, but a full-blooded princess, which leaves Barinkaya in great consternation.
Um upplýsingar er að finna á: English, polski
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