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Det jordiska livet by Von Zemlinsky, Peterson-Berger, Sibelius, Mahler, Beckman, Bror, R 02 sept 2022, Alates (2022/2022), Konserthuset (Stockholm Concert Hall), Stockholm, Sweden

Näitlejate ja meeskonna vaatamine 02 sept 2022
Valige TööSieben Lieder von Nacht und Traum, Von Zemlinsky





Det jordiska livet
Four Songs, Op. 19, Beckman, Bror

Hat gesagt - bleibt’s nicht dabei; Rosmarin

Vocal / Song cycle
Finnish-Swedish Jenny Carlstedt enjoys a thriving international career and was for many years linked to the Frankfurt Opera. She studied at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki and also at the Guildhall School of Music i London. Anton Ljungqvist has been featured in many roles at the Gothenburg Opera and the Wermland Opera, and most recently in Philip Glass’ Cirkmosus Days and Nights, a collaboration between the Malmö Opera and Cirkus Cirkör. He studied at the Stockholm University of the Arts. The programme is centered around romantic, national romantic and late romantic music. Alexander Zemlinsky, born in Vienna in 1871 and a contemporary of – and overshadowed by – for instance Gustav Mahler. There is a lot to be discoved in Zemlinsk’s music. It vibrates with longing and eroticism in a way that seems to musically mirror the paintings of Gustav Klimt. In the category national romanticism, Wilhelm Peterson-Berger is no doubt a good representative, and to some extent Jean Sibelius as well (at least early Sibelius). Side by side with these greats, Bror Beckman (1866–1929) is quite unknown. Beckman was more of an official and administrator in the Stockholm music life of his time, but in his short work list one finds for instance a Symphony in F major and some dozen songs. Versatile pianist Magnus Svensson specialises in the art of lied, and he has served as artistic director of Konserthuset Stockholm's Lied Evenings for several seasons. In addition to concerts in the Nordic region and elsewhere in Europe, he has also performed in Russia and the US. Magnus Svensson obtained his soloist diploma from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, graduated with honours as top student, and then immersed himself in the study of lied interpretation in London. Since 2012, he has also worked at the Royal Swedish Academy of Music with re-publishing older Swedish music.
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