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Det største & Det mindste, Balslev
Den Fynske Opera (2023)
20 - 23 otsaila 2023 (4 emanaldiak)
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Det største & Det mindste by Balslev, og. 23 ots. 2023, Noiztik (2023/2023), Zuzendaria Povl Chr. Balslev, Den Fynske Opera, Odense, Denmark

Cast and Crew ikusteko 23 ots. 2023






The opera 'The BIGGEST & the SMALLEST' was created based on the sounds of the largest and smallest mammals – the whale and the bat. With this performance, children and childlike souls can look forward to a very sensual experience. The sounds of the whale and the bat are a common thread in the story of the spirit of Nature, who is the story's narrator and who travels around nature to hear how the animals are doing. Here she meets the whale and the bat, each of whom dreams of being the opposite of what they are. The spirit of nature conveys their stories to the other, and in this way they see themselves in a new light; Through the eyes of the other, they now see their own abilities and beauty from the outside, whereby they become aware of the beauty in diversity and the importance of being who you are. The musicians in the performance are flautist Eva Østergaard, who has played in Det Kgl. Kapel, and Susanne Skov on horn, who has played in both the Odense and Sønderjylland Symphony Orchestras. The two instruments each represent a different animal. The project is a transversal project between artists and people in the natural sciences and enthusiasts – an idea that originated with composer Povl Chr. Balslev and opera singer Lise Bech Bendix. The creation of the opera took place in a close partnership with Naturama in Svendborg and the biologist Lee Anton Miller, who has been one of the pioneers among researchers in sonar for the past 50 years (animal communication via sound waves). Among other things, Lee Anton Miller has helped to create a detector that makes the sound of bats audible to the human ear. The performance is sung in Danish and performed at Naturama in Svendborg. Recommended for children aged 0-3. grade.
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