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Die Fledermaus (The Bat), Strauss II
Samara Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet (2021/22)
09 urria - 09 ekaina 2021/22 (7 emanaldiak)
Bisitatu webgunea
3h 15mins
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The Bat by Strauss II, og. 31 mar. 2022, Noiztik (2021/2022), Zuzendaria Galina Tarasova,, Zuzendaria Evgeny Khokhlov, Samara Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Samara, Russia

Cast and Crew ikusteko 31 mar. 2022




The operetta of the “king of waltzes” by Johann Strauss “Die Fledermaus” flew around the stages of all theaters of the world. Beautiful music sparkling with merriment, witty lyrics and a plot that consists of a series of amusing situations contain, to the delight of supporters of fidelity in marriage, morality that is indispensable in the genre of operetta. The Bat is the pinnacle of Johann Strauss' work. The witty plot of the operetta is built according to the laws of the game, deceit, and a funny prank. Everyone hides behind masks, everyone pretends to be someone else: a maid for a mistress, an admirer for her husband, a wife for her husband's mistress! The music of this operetta is light, festive, permeated with dance intonations, among which the waltz reigns, reminiscent of foaming champagne. The melodies vividly characterize the characters, among whom decisive, resourceful, witty women dominate: Rosalind and Adele. Die Fledermaus is the most frequently performed operetta by Johann Strauss. It is invariably present in the repertoire of all operetta theaters and many opera houses. All of her productions in Kuibyshev and Samara were distinguished by their stage longevity. Boris Ryabikin's 1976 production ran for 16 seasons; For 19 seasons, Ryabikin's next production, a 1991 performance, created together with conductor Vladimir Kovalenko and artist Natalia Khokhlova, who restored the scenery according to Vinogradov's sketches, remained in the repertoire. But the 1967 production by Sergei Smeyan, which preceded Ryabikinsky, lasted 7 seasons, solid for its era,
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