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Fanny! Wer will mir wehren zu singen, Various

Fanny! Wer will mir wehren zu singen by Various, 금 13 4월 2018, 에서 (2018/2018), 감독 Cordula Däuper, 지휘자 Tobias Schwencke, Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Berlin, Germany

출연진 및 제작진 보기 13 4월 2018





"Nobody crows and dances to my tune," Fanny Mendelssohn Bartholdy once wrote about her music. How does it actually feel not to be able to pursue your passion because you're a girl? What is it like when the younger brother Felix is ​​allowed to realize his lifelong dream of being a composer? And what horizons are opened up to children today when they experience Fanny's music, sing it and relate their life story to their own lives? From the children's preoccupation with the biography, world and music of Fanny Mendelssohn Bartholdy, a music theater evening about a little-known artist, about gender roles and the realization of dreams in life against family and social resistance arises. Rarely performed songs, duets, chamber music compositions and motifs from Fanny's works form the basis for scenes, choirs, choreographies and rhythmic scenic improvisations. Together with their audience, with two soloists from the International Opera Studio of the Staatsoper Unter den Linden and a piano trio with young musicians from the Orchestra Academy at the Staatskapelle Berlin, 30 children aged 9-12 from the Lichtenberg Children's Opera House discover the composer and pianist Fanny Mendelssohn Bartholdy as role model and tell how you can follow your path, even if it seems rocky at first. And so in the end everyone will dance to Fanny's tune! The Lichtenberg Children's Opera House, which has won several awards for its work, enables children from 8 to 12 years of age to bring musical theater to the stage, supported by the Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Berlin. The artistic heart is formed by the annual productions, which are performed at the end of the project period in the State Opera and in the Lichtenberg district.
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