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Gala Lirico Dell'orchestra Da Camera Orfeo
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Gala Lirico dell'Orchestra Da Camera Orfeo
Associazione Musicale Mascagni (2023)
09 júlí 2023 (1 frammistöður)
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Gala Lirico dell'Orchestra Da Camera Orfeo by Various, sun 09 júl 2023, Frá (2023/2023), Hljómsveitarstjóri Domenico Famà

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Gala Lirico dell'Orchestra Da Camera Orfeo
Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Giulia Mazzara Born in Syracuse in 1992, she graduated with honors in opera singing. She collaborates with the Coro Lirico Siciliano with which she has performed in the most important theaters of Macao, Tianjin and Harbin. You made your debut in the role of Damon in her Handel'sopera Aci e Galatea collaborating with the Baroque ensemble “Il Cimento Armonico”. In 2017 she founded – together with the guitarist Domenico Famà – the Duo Arabesque , a chamber ensemble specialized in the execution of the original historical and contemporary repertoire for voice and guitar. She has distinguished herself in numerous international competitions of musical execution, always winning the absolute first prize. She appeared in the Italian magazine Seicorde for his performances of contemporary works, obtaining five stars from the specialized critics. She is the dedicatee of various contemporary compositions: among these Rèverie and Petite Chanson by Domenico Famà, all published by the Da Vinci Publishing record label of Osaka. Since 2020 she has been part of the Orfeo Chamber Orchestra. Gianni Giuga was born in Syracuse in 1992. He began his singing studies with the tenor Salvatore Fisichella and then continued later with the tenor Marcello Giordani with whom he made his debut in 2017 in Pagliacci (Silvio). Sings at the Teatro Comunale di Modena in Cinderella (Dandini) and Elisir d'Amore (Belcore), at the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari in La Fanciulla del West, returning to the same theater for Madama Butterfly, Carmen (Morales) and Lo Schiavo di Gomes (Gianfèra), Italian premiere conducted by John Neschling and directed by Davide Garattini. He is Taddeo in L'Italiana in Algeri atOpéra de Tenerife and at the Comunale di Bologna . In 2019 he returns to the Auditorio de Tenerife for Rigoletto (Marullo) and in June 2020 with the same role at the Teatro Regio in Parma . He is part of the first edition of Wexford Factory making his debut at Wexford Opera House in Falstaff Chronicles (Sir Ford), broadcast on the national network of Ireland ( RTE ). In July he made his debut at the Puccini summer festival in Torre del Lago, singing the Sagrestano in Tosca . In autumn 2021 he made his debut as Figaro neThe barber of Seville singing as the factotum barber at the Teatro Sociale in Como, at the Teatro Fraschini in Pavia, at the Teatro Grande in Brescia, at the Teatro Vittorio Emanuele in Messina, at the Teatro Alfonso Rendano in Cosenza. In January 2022 he returned to the stage at the Teatro Regio in Parma for Carmen (Moralès) and made his South American debut in the role of Belcore in Elisir d'amore on stage at the Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo in Bogotà. He returns again to the Auditorio de Tenerife in Un ballo in maschera and makes his debut atTeatro Bellini in Catania in Leoncavallo's Bohéme conducted by maestro Carminati. In January 2023 he is Antonio (cover) in Marriage of Figaro , at the Royal Muscat Opera House and in the spring he makes his debut in France in Massy, ​​Compeigne and Limoges in Sonnambula by Vincenzo Bellini (Alessio). Domenico Famà A versatile musician, Domenico is an orchestra conductor, composer and classical guitarist. Artist represented by the international record labels Brilliant Classics and Da Vinci Publishing , he made his debut as conductor at the Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini in Catania in 2018 and has collaborations with the same institution to his credit, with the Orchestra Classica Viva of Milan and with the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Orchestra of Florence. He is the musical director and founder of the Orfeo Chamber Orchestra – founded in Catania in 2020 – and carries out a very intense concert activity throughout Italy, performing regularly throughout Italy. In 2021 he was selected by the Dutch record label Brilliant Classics for an international project dedicated to the original repertoire for string orchestra by Tchaikovsky, Arensky, Elgar and Fuchs published in 2022. In May 2021 the Japanese record company Da Vinci Publishing produced Fragments de temps, his first recording project dedicated to all his original chamber music, inspired by the French chamber repertoire of the early twentieth century. He is a guitar teacher at the Liceo Musicale Turrisi Colonnaof Catania and external teacher at the Stanislao Giacomantonio Conservatory of Cosenza. The Orfeo Chamber Orchestra is a stable orchestral formation, founded in Catania in 2020 by the conductor Domenico Famà and made up of orchestra professors as well as young and excellent new generation instrumentalists. The main purpose of the training is to devote oneself to a vast musical repertoire ranging from Baroque music to contemporary music, paying close attention to the executive practice and the reference musical sources. The orchestra has collaborated on a regular basis with the major musical realities of the area since its foundation; among these the Massimo Vincenzo Bellini Theater in Catania, the Catania Society of Friends of Music, the Mozart Italia Musical Association and the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Catania.
Um upplýsingar er að finna á: English, italiano
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