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Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria (Возвращение Одиссея на родину), Monteverdi

Возвращение Одиссея на родину by Monteverdi, вск 05 дек. 2021, С (2021/2021), Дирижёр Stéphane Fuget, Grande Salle des Croisades, Версаль, Франция

Просмотр списка исполнителей и постановочной труппы 05 дек. 2021



Dramma in musica in three acts on a libretto by Giacomo Badoaro premiered in Venice in 1640. In Monteverdi's career, of which only three lyrical works remain, Le Retour d'Ulysse dans sa Patrie (1640) marks the turning point of Venetian opera: after L'Orfeocreated for the Court of Mantua, this second work, three decades later, is aimed at paying spectators at the Venetian theater San Cassiano (opened in 1637). The opera become social and popular, its heroes descend from their mythological pedestal to know the joys and the pains of the spectators who identify with them ... and come to admire the performances of singer-actors who must keep them going, thanks to a thrilling libretto and always inspired music! And thanks to the ancient theme of Odysseus' return, passion and action are at the heart of the drama. Penelope sings about her interminable wait, her hope still alive but so painful to see the King of her heart again, while the suitors besiege her to take his hand and the throne. The return of Ulysses, finally arrived in Ithaca after twenty years of peregrinations, knots the drama. Metamorphosed into an old man who makes him incognito, he goes in search of his son Telemachus, then arrives at the Palace for the competition that Penelope has instituted: whoever manages to extend the historic arc of Ulysses, will have the hand of the Queen. The old man in rags presents himself at Court, and accomplishes his vengeance ... Stéphane Fuget conducts this masterpiece for a recording and a concert, using all the instrumental spells to accomplish his grand design: to restore to Monteverdian music and song all their adornments, all their colors, thanks to a magnificent cast which surrounds him with passion.
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