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La fanciulla del West Puccini
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La fanciulla del West (Dziewczyna z Zachodu), Puccini
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Dziewczyna z Zachodu by Puccini, od (2024/2024), W reżyserii Karolina Sofulak,, Dyrygent Wojciech Rodek, Teatr Wielki Łódź, Łódź, Polska

Puccini's western adventure I was born many years ago, probably too long ago, maybe it's been a century... God touched me with his little finger and said: Write for the theater; remember: only for the theater ... - and I - listened to this highest advice ... And that's very good, because how would we - opera lovers - feel without such operatic hits by Puccini as: Madame Butterfly , Bohème , Tosca or Turandot ?! However, the composer - who likes to travel around the world - dreamed of something else... A trip to the United States showed him a new, unknown and unexploited world in opera. He wanted his latest opera to contain the primal wildness, the roughness of customs, the vivid colors of distant California from the times of the "gold rush"; it was against this background that he played his raw, cruel drama of strong characters, although love will have the most to say here as well. Girl from the Wild West , because this is the work in question, was several years ahead of the later fashion for film westerns, and in this respect it was a complete novelty. The girl's musiccombines elements of African-American jazz rhythms and melodies from the New Orleans period with Puccini's rich compositional achievements to date. The audience after the premiere was surprised but also delighted. She received not only something new, but also something wonderful! It was similar at the Łódź premiere of The Girlin 1971 with excellent roles, including Halina Romanowska and Jerzy Orłowski. And how will it be this time?... We are convinced that it will be similar. The musical director of the performance is Wojciech Rodek, and Karolina Sofulak is directing. In the main female role we will see and hear Dorota Wójcik and Anna Wierzbicka, and the bandit in love will be Dominik Sutowicz. This is a unique opportunity to meet Puccini, whom we know a little less, but it is worth getting to know him! We invite you.
Informacje są dostępne na: English, polski
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