La finta tedesca (The False German Girl), Hasse


Boston Early Music Festival (2020)
23 - 29 november 2020 (4 forestillinger)
Oplysninger fra kunstorganisation (verificeret af Operabase)

The False German Girl by Hasse, lør. 28 nov. 2020, Fra (2020/2020), Instrueret af Gilbert Blin, Marie-Nathalie Lacoursière, Dirigent Paul O'Dette, Stephen Stubbs, The Morgan Library and Museum, New York City, United States

Viser Cast og Crew for 28 nov. 2020



And it is precisely in the house of the rich pharmacist Pantaleone that the scene opens with Young Charlotte who, to attract interest, gets hired as a waitress pretending to be German to please the doctor even more. Pantaleone, although he has an interest in the maid, poses the social dilemma of the time: a doctor cannot marry his maid and offers her money to forget the promise of marriage. (If you are silent, Carlotta, I want to equip you), Carlotta does not give up and starts a legal battle by pretending to be a lawyer to make the pharmacist recognize that he is in love with his servant and that social barriers cannot prevent the love that cannot than crowning oneself with a happy marriage. Pantaleone disguises himself as a lawyer and tries to defend himself but the discussion ends in a great scuffle: stamped papers, slaps and punches. Nothing in fact and the pharmacist tries to escape by citing the excuse that Always there are ruins in that house where the hens are in charge and the rooster is silent! As fate would have it, while escaping into a wood he meets Carlotta who pretends to be maddened by a fright and in danger, asking for help from her master, this arouses in Pantaleone an unprecedented feeling of protection and love and admits that she cannot do without she. Ending a happy marriage at the minuet step. this arouses in Pantaleone an unprecedented feeling of protection and love and he admits that he cannot do without her. Ending a happy marriage at the minuet step. this arouses in Pantaleone an unprecedented feeling of protection and love and he admits that he cannot do without her. Ending a happy marriage at the minuet step.
Om info findes på: English
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