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La traviata Verdi
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La Traviata (La traviata), Verdi

La traviata by Verdi, R 13 mai 2022, Alates (2022/2022), Juhatatud Dmitry Bertman,, Dirigent Alexander Sladkovsky, Valery Kiryanov, Helikon in Nikitskaya, Moscow, Russia

Näitlejate ja meeskonna vaatamine 13 mai 2022






According to the statistics, who “knows everything”, G. Verdi – is the most popular and most beloved by the world audience, composer. In the anniversary season, in which Helikon-Opera turns 30 years old, the theatre will present to the Muscovites and guests of the capital the pearl of Verdi’s creation, the symbol of the opera art – “La traviata”. The premiere took place on October 22 (2019). Stage-director – the People’s artist of Russia Dmitry Bertman, musical director will become the conductor with the world-wide known name, the People’s artist of Russia, artistic director of the Tatarstan National Symphony Orchestra Alexander Sladkovsky, set designer – the Merited Artist of Russia Igor Nezhny, costume designer - the Merited Artist of Russia Tatiana Tulubieva, lighting designer - the Merited Worker of the Arts Industry of Russia - Damir Ismagilov. There is a special attitude to the maestro Verdi. For Dmitry Bertman, the artistic director of the theatre “Verdi – this is a music of pleasure!”, and there is a considerable place in his directorial “luggage” for the masterpieces of the great Italian. With the opera “La traviata” the stage-director is connected by the close friendship: from 1995, when Dmitry Bertman has staged it in Helikon for the first time, he was coming around to it repeatedly. In 1998 he has staged “La traviata” in the Nationaltheater (Mannheim, Germany), in 1999 in Canadian Opera Company (Toronto), in 2000 in The Music and Convention Centre (Strasbourg, France) and in 2005 in Oakland (New Zealand). The melomaniacs with experience still remember the helikonian “La traviata”, which has “exploded” the opera world of the capital in 1995 and are dreaming about its return to the theatre. Finally, it will become a reality! The opera-brilliant, the opera, without which the opera world would be half empty, again will sparkle on the stage of the Helikon-opera. The performance will take place with the support by patrons Andrey Komarov and Nazim Efendiev.
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