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La Traviata (La traviata), Verdi

La traviata by Verdi, 토 25 2월 2023, 에서 (2023/2023), 감독 Ivana Dragutinović Maričić,, 지휘자 Đorđe Pavlović, Zorica Mitev-Vojnović, Ana Zorana Brajović, National Theatre, Belgrade, Serbia

출연진 및 제작진 보기 25 2월 2023






Throughout his life, Giuseppe Verdi tirelessly searched for new, bold, interesting content, which could serve as the basis for an opera libretto. Thus, in 1848, immediately after its publication, he noticed Alexander Dima's novel The Son of the Lady with Camellias , which was much debated in all circles. Verdi is even preparing a screenplay for his future librettist with content taken from the novel, but he is leaving a more detailed elaboration. He tirelessly wrote operas, one after the other: on October 25, 1848, he was the prime minister of Corsair in Trieste, on January 27, 1849, the Battle of Lenjan was shown ,. After that accelerated pace of writing and preparing their prime ministers in the turbulent years of revolution, uprising, battles and conquests, Verdi matured, both as a person and as an artist, so that his following works: Rigoletto , Troubadour and La Traviatathey represent not only his greatest successes to date, but also real masterpieces of opera literature and far surpass the entire European opera of the era (except Wagner). After the tragic loss of his family, Verdi managed to break free from despair and depression; he is the owner of the estate in Le Roncola and the palace in Busetto and, with his father-in-law, arranges the purchase of a large fertile land of Sant Agatha na Pou. He found the ideal life companion, wife, friend and friend in the singer Giuseppe Streponi. He now has the knowledge, strength and experience to create great works. He travels with Giuseppe to the premieres of his operas, and he feels best in Paris. Their relationship is not legalized, which bothers the Italians, fellow citizens in Busetto, father-in-law Barecia, but in Paris, no one attaches any importance to that. When they watched a stage version of Dima's novel together at the Vaudeville Theater, the others are both fascinated, Verdi and librettist Piave make the backbone of the plot. In just forty days, the whole opera was composed! The premiere is scheduled for the Fenice Theater in Venice. In negotiations with the management of the theater in Venice, Verdi is looking for good interpreters of the main roles, because he knows that the content for the opera is new and unusual. The stage shows an action from modern life, which the audience knows and participates in. At the premiere on March 6, 1853.La Traviata is ingloriously failing. In a letter to the student and associate Emanuel Muci, Verdi writes: "La Traviata failed last night. Is it my fault or the singer's? ... Time will decide. "Ricordio reports:" Unfortunately, I have to tell you one sad news, but I can't hide the truth .failed. Let's not investigate the causes. "The chroniclers mostly noted three main causes of failure. First, singers: Violetta Valeri was sung by Fani Salvini Donatelli, a big woman in good health, who caused laughter in the audience at the dying scene. Tenor Lodovico Graziani, Alfredo's interpreter, was almost lost his voice, and baritone Felice Varezi, completely uninterested in his role, sang badly, Germain's aria, so popular today. Third: the novelty of the content, ie the unwillingness of the audience to see on the opera stage the condemnation of the existing system in which only money is valued and in which everything is bought with money Verdi was convinced of the value of his masterpiece for the new premiere 6.La Traviata quickly conquered the opera world, so the fame of the opera kept Dima's drama on stage. Sarah Bernard, Eleonora Duze and Edwij Fejer are her unforgettable interpreters on stage, and Greta Garbo has remained in the lasting memory of millions of cinema-goers. After Italy La Traviataconquers Vienna, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Mexico City: May 24, 1856, London enchanted, December 3 New York delighted. Warsaw, St. Petersburg, Barcelona and Lisbon give the opera in consecutive series. The opera is shown in Italian, but everywhere soon in the language of the country in which it is given. The audience wants to understand and comprehend the action, to experience Violeta's passions, passions and love, and not just listen to gorgeous voices. Among the most famous opera Violets are Marieta Piccolomini, Adelina Patti, Mary Garden, Lily Lehmann, Marcela Sembrih, Luisa Tetracini, Nelly Melba, Amelita Gali-Kurci, Selma Kurz, Rosa Poncell, Geraldine Farrar. Alfredo was sung by Caruso and Gigli and Lauri-Volpi, Germona by Carlo Galefi, Ricardo Stracciari and Giuseppe de Luca. In our time, Renata Tebaldi was the only Violet, and the performances of La Traviatawith Maria Callas, Giuseppe di Stefano and Ettore Bastianini, they threw the audience into a real trance. In 1963, Karajan collaborated with Mirela Freni at the Scala in Milan, who interprets this role in the recorded film version of the play. Ana Mofo and Noan Sutherland tried to reach the unsurpassed opera tragedian Kalasova, and directors Felzenstein, Steller and Visconti invested more time in directing La Traviata than usual. In our country , La Traviata was performed for the first time on March 11, 1879 in Zagreb, and in Belgrade on April 6, 1921. All our opera houses perform this operetta, so it is always on the repertoire.
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