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La Traviata (La traviata), Verdi

La traviata by Verdi, mán 08 júl 2013, Frá (2013/2013), Leikstýrt af Kuzman Popov, Hljómsveitarstjóri Borislav Ivanov, Krastin Nastev, Open – Air Theatre, Varna, Bulgaria

Skoða leikara og áhöfn fyrir 08 júl 2013





Violeta Valeri's story is so precisely psychologically motivated and so vividly true of her own historical time that from a moment on she ceases to really exist, rises to the pedestal of a tragic love poem or a stage ballad, to a model of life. , in which specificity is equivalent to a summary and a symbol. Marie Duplessis, Margarita Gauthier, Giuseppe Streponi or Violeta Valeri - does it matter which one? - The story is about the one who calls herself "La Traviata", that is, the derailed one, deviated from the right path, but who hides deep in her heart "dreaming of being happy for happiness". The story is about a moth marked by death, which, amid the noisy delight of conquered Paris, dreams of true love, realizing that it is "Madness!". And he chooses madness! The paradox ... The collapse of the illusion is not late. The island of love is a chimera. Loyalty - maybe a mirage. Happiness is a short moment. The "roadless" has no right to love and make self-sacrifice - a second paradox ... Return to "secular" life. Ball - pseudo-gypsies, pseudomatadors, pseudo-guessers. The avalanche originates in the absurdity of this pseudo-spectacle. It sweeps away everything that is a manifestation of true value. In the midst of falsehood, the truth seems to be deceptive. Could there be a bigger paradox? Yes! Alone, abandoned, passed in the spring of the first picture, in the summer and autumn of the second and third, to the winter of a human existence in the fourth picture, Violetta comes to the realization of the beautiful self-deception that one can live differently, comes to the last a blow that life inflicts on her and she dies the moment when happiness might be possible again ... And yet - is it a paradox to be able to run away from yourself to find yourself? Is it paradoxical the unity in which the beginning and the end, the "rise" and the "fall" are intertwined? A facade of wealth and love? Dreamy tender for happiness? Beautiful self-deception ?! Life is a moment, true happiness - an even shorter moment, but a moment that makes us better. (Verdi's thesis - "Love makes people more exalted!") And yet, it is really a paradox and it is really cruel to blame "this little world" destroyed, sold out ... a bed ... a chair ... light streams from somewhere ... carnival masks invade from somewhere ... and the end is coming ... the end of a Madness! Melodrama? Possible.
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