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Macbeth, Sumera
Eesti Kontsert (2023/24)
05 október - 13 janúar 2023/24 (12 frammistöður)
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Macbeth by Sumera, mán 08 jan 2024, Frá (2023/2024), Leikstýrt af Ene-Liis Semper, Hljómsveitarstjóri Olari Elts, Concert Hall, Tallinn, Estonia

Skoða leikara og áhöfn fyrir 08 jan 2024






On stage: ERSO, Priit Voigemast, Mait Malmsten, Ivo Uukkivi, Tambet Tuisk, Gert Raudsep, Jaak Prints, Ursel Tilk, Rasmus Kaljujärv, Kaie Mihkelson , Helena Lotman, Hanna Jaanovits (EMTA School of Performing Arts) Six years ago, the colorful, romantic and melodramatic "Midnight's Dream" conquered the Estonian concert hall, where the combination of William Shakespeare's text and Felix Mendelssohn's music reached a powerful cognitive and word-magical dimension. In January 2023, Olari Elts, Ene-Liis Semper and Tiit Ojasoo will meet again, this time with William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth" as the starting material. Directors Ene-Liis Semper and Tiit Ojasoo: "Discussing the messages of Shakespeare's "The Tempest" in the spring, we also heard the thought that even now we don't know how the world will develop in the meantime and where we have reached by autumn. Autumn is now here, and the interim work on the text and production plan of "The Tempest" has led us to the realization that it is the right time to stage "Macbeth" instead. Fortune smiles on a person. He has the honor and respect of his peers, he has gone beyond anything he could have dreamed of. And that's when he goes crazy and demands more, even more. Life is short and recognition and well-being must come to him immediately. Now! May his glory rise quickly, may his throne grow high, and may its splendor overshadow the pain and spilled blood of his ascension to the throne. It is not eternal glory that man desires, but the same tangible, here and now. Take what's yours! Grab the opportunity before it's gone! Overcome all obstacles! Don't hesitate! Because deep down there is a doubt that there will be nothing more than this time and glory. Macbeth is the story of a man who breaks off a blood wedding. One killing becomes many, and the blood that once stains the hands never comes off." Conductor Olari Elts: "Shakespeare has inspired hundreds of composers to create works in various genres, from solo songs to operas and great symphonic poems. Quite a lot of music has also been written for Shakespeare's plays, but not for Macbeth, especially music that would speak to us here and now. Sensitive to drama and appreciating the beauty of the game, Lepo Sumera, with extensive theater and film experience, is the composer whose work suits us best. He is able to create characters and moods with minimal means that are almost perfect for this production." A joint project of the Estonian Drama Theater, the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and the Estonian Concert Premiering on January 19, 2023
Um upplýsingar er að finna á: eesti, English
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